survivor support resources
resources by continent
The End FGM European Network is an umbrella network of 32 European organisations based in 15 European countries operating to sustain European action to ending female genital mutilation by connecting grassroot communities with non-government organisations.
Orchid Project – Orchid Project has a vision of a world free from female genital cutting.
Dahlia’s Project- Dahlia’s Project is a unique specialist holistic service providing both psychological and physical support to survivors of FGM.

North America
Sahiyo is an organization that began with a group of five women who wanted to end the ritual of female genital cutting (khatna) in the Bohra community (a subsect of Shia Muslims) . Sahiyo’s mission is to “empower Asian and other communities to end female genital cutting and create positive social change through dialogue, education, and collaboration based on community involvement.”
forma offers mental health clinical services to women adversely affected by FGM/C, and also provides psychoeducational outreach, advocacy and awareness training to hospitals, social service agencies, universities and the community at large. We also facilitate an on-going survivors’ support group that can help educate and challenge the traditional belief systems that perpetuate this practice.
Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation advocates on behalf of women and girls against FGM, focusing on the United States and West Africa. The acronym in the name stands for “People Everywhere, All Created Equal.” Their mission is to empower women and girls through education and fight Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and other gender-based violence.
US End FGM/C Network is a collaborative group of survivors, civil society organizations, foundations, activists, policymakers, researchers, healthcare providers, and others committed to promoting the abandonment of female genital mutilation or cutting (FGM/C) in the U.S. and around the world.
FGM/C – An educational toolkit for providers and survivors is the product of a collaboration between RAHMA, a Washington, D.C.-based advocacy group, and the Milken Institute School of Public Health at The George Washington University.
End FGM Canada Network is a non-partisan group of individuals and organizations working to end female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) and support survivors both in Canada and abroad. The network focuses building platforms for engagement and offering trauma-informed culturally sensitive tools for frontline professionals to address FGM/C in Canadian communities.
AWARE – AWARE works to remove all gender-based barriers so as to allow individuals in Singapore to develop their potential to the fullest and realise their personal visions and hopes. We do this in three ways: Research and advocacy, Education and training and Support services.
Love Matters – Love Matters Love Matters is India’s leading digital Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) information platform catering to the needs of young people. They provide open, honest, non-judgmental and science-based information on love, sex and relationships using innovate media formats.
We Speak Out – works for equal rights for Bohra women in all spheres of life. Specifically, on Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C).
Asia Network to End FGM/C - A network working to end FGM/C in Asia